American Baptist Churches Of The South
A Region of American Baptist Churches, USA
"Strengthening and Caring for Church Environments for Strong Ministry & Missions"
P.O. Box 47277 Windsor Mill, MD 21244-0277
Website: www.abcots.org | (443) 551-3045 - Main Line | (800) 466-9571 |
gloria@abcots.org. jmharrison@abcots.org. abcotsadmin@abcots.org. pwhite@abcots.org

Weekly ABCOTS Pastors Meetings
Response to COVID 19

November 2021 Zoom Meetings

Sept/October 2021 Zoom Meetings

August 2021 Zoom Meetings

June 2021 Zoom Meetings

ABHMS Leaders

Regional Updates

Transitional Ministries

Dr. Ashley and Ray Lewis

The future of ABCOTS Annual Session
May 2021 Zoom Meetings

April 2021 Zoom meetings

The Green Church

April 6th: Conversation with Dr. James M. Harrison

April 6th zoom meeting: A conversation with ABCOTS Executive Minister Dr. James M. Harrison
March 2021 Zoom Meetings

March 23rd zoom meeting: The Future of The Hybrid Church Experience.

March 9th zoom meeting: Making time to write and to get published

March 16th zoom meeting: Discussion with Dr. Willard Asley and Margaret Lewis.

March 2nd Zoom meeting: Millennials and GenX engagements
February 2021 Zoom Meetings with ABCOTS pastors

February 23rd zoom meeting: The Stranger is My Neighbor with Dr. Marvin McMickle

Feb. 9th, 2021: Discussion with DC Clergy

February 16th, 2021 zoom meeting: Discussion on What is God asking you to do?

Feb. 2nd, 2021 : Social Justice discussion with ABCOTS ministers and pastors.
January 2021 Zoom Meetings

Jan. 26th, 2021 zoom meeting: Dwelling In the Word with Dr. Roxborough

Jan. 17, 2021 zoom meeting: DHS Faith and Initiatives

January 12, 2021 Zoom Meeting: State of the Region with Dr. James Harrison, and conversations with ABCOTS Clergy
December 2020 Zoom Meetings

November 2020 Zoom Meetings
October 2020 Zoom Meetings
September 2020 Zoom meetings
Sept. 22nd - Conversation with Dr. Eddie Cruz, Dr. Christine Roush
Zoom call Sept 8 - Conversations with Dr. J. Dwight Stinnett, former Exec Min Great Rivers Region
Sept 15 - Rev Maggie Lewis/Dr. Willard Ashley (CCDM)
Zoom call Sept 1 - Conversations with Dr. E. Jeff Woods, Interim General Secretary
August 18 - Rev. Maggie Lewis/Dr. Willard Ashley (Center for Career Development & Ministry) - Addressing Mental Health Concerns.
August 11th Zoom call: Function of ABC-USA and the origination of ABCOTS
August 4 Zoom call - Rev. Donald Porter, Handling grief and Grief Counseling during the pandemic.
​July 28 - Dr. Patricia Murphy, Ecclesiastical Endorser, National Coordinator for Chaplaincy, Pastoral Counselors and Specialized Ministries.

July 21 - Zoom call with Rev. Maggie Lewis and Dr. Willard Ashley addressing Mental Health issues.
June 2020 Zoom Meetings
Dear Pastors and Church Administrators,
Please find attached recommendations and guidelines to Reopening Safely and welcoming your congregants back to church homes.
In an effort to help your congregations navigate the issues surrounding reopening safely the ABCUSA National Insurance Program, www.abcusa-insurance.com and Church Mutual, have prepared a number of resources for your distribution:
1. Reopening Safely Guidelines
2. Recommendations for Safe Return to Worship Checklist.
3. Sample COVID-19 Waiver.
4. Church Mutual Webinar - Returning to Worship Safely
5. ABCUSA National Insurance Program Webinar - Reopening Safely (May 2020). 6. ThinkHR - COVID-19 Crisis Response Center
7. CDC - Considerations for Communities of Faith
8. COVID-19 Executive Orders - All States
If you have any questions regarding this information please feel free to email abcusa@sovinsurance.com or visit www.abcusa-insurance.com. We hope that you and your congregations are safe and healthy.
Jeff Dromeshauser • Program Manager
Sovereign Insurance Group
1. Let us start with prayer for our Churches, its Leaders, and our Government Leaders. (I Timothy 2:1-2; II Chronicles 7:14).
2. Recognize this is a very serious time. The World Health Organization has made the assessment that COVID19 can be characterized as pandemic. It is a real threat to the health of our communities............Click here for more info